

  • Establishment of a citizen science project in chemistry and assessment of students’ attitudes towards science, chemistry, and marine litter.

  • Development and implementation of a portable, low-cost teaching kit to promote student awareness and involvement in water quality, through sampling coastal waters and analyzing their physical and chemical properties.

  • Creation of analogies between chemistry and music for teaching elementary chemistry in secondary schools, followed by thorough evaluation.

  • Design and evaluation of experimental and simulation-based procedures with automatic data acquisition to enhance submicroscopic reasoning and procedural skills.

  • Characterization of best practices to promote Education for Sustainable Development and transformative learning.

  • Development of a non-invasive and replicable method for evaluating science communication activities.

  • Creation of a digital prototype in virtual reality environments, scientifically depicting the water column and the entire ecosystem of hydrothermal vents to communicate cutting-edge marine science through immersive virtual reality.

  • Characterization of science communication practices in Portuguese Research and Development Units, engaging scientists in a collaborative effort to communicate science.